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Six Sports. One Spencer.

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Our Sports & Facilities

The Spencer Club is set on several acres of land in the heart of South West London just minutes from major transport links. In addition to the sporting facilities, we have a lively Clubhouse open to members with a bar and multiple social spaces. The Clubhouse is the heart of the Club where players, parents, spectators and visiting teams socialise and discuss the successes and challenges of their games.

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Played on our main pitch at Fieldview and many other sites around Wandsworth, cricket is a thriving part of the Spencer family.

Members are welcome to use the 6 outdoor nets or we also have one indoor net that can be hired with one of our many expert coaches.

In addition to standard membership, the Club offers holiday clubs for juniors during school holidays plus after school coaching for groups or 1:1.

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Awarded Surrey LTA’s 2019 Club of the Year, Spencer Lawn Tennis Club offers a vibrant and welcoming environment for all ages and abilities to enjoy their tennis.

With 5 pristine grass courts and 5 floodlit hard courts we have popular adult social sessions, weekly team training sessions, junior squads and regular internal competitions.

Holiday camps are always available for our junior members and we have an expert team of coaches ready to help you with your game.



“Fortress Fieldview” as it is known to us, is home to all our hockey players with senior matches taking place every weekend during the season (September to April) plus junior and senior training all year round.

Holiday camps are available to members and non members during school holidays plus there is a lively Summer League for those wanting to keep up their skills over the summer months.

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With our two recently refurbished Squash courts, our active membership base of adult and junior members have a modern and comfortable environment within which to play their sport.

We have an array of professional coaches developing our players to county and national levels. For those of you who don’t want the pressure of competition there are weekly social matches for all abilities.



Spencer Lacrosse is largest Lacrosse club in the UK with more than 10 international players. Matches are played primarily at our two pitches at Fieldview and each season is kicked off with our host men's and women's tournament, the Compton Cup, held each September where teams from around the country join us in the celebration of the game.

The club boasts a thriving junior section for boys and girls of all abilities each weekend with a focus on coaching the core fundamentals - a method which has historically developed many international players.



Netball is one of the fastest growing sports at Spencer, with Spencer Netball currently coaching junior players weekly (U8’s - U16’s).  

Played on netball courts at Burntwood School (just across the road from Fieldview) and led by our Director of Netball and her team of experienced coaches, our youngsters have won bronze and silver medals at the Mid Surrey and Nonsuch Leagues since inception in 2017.  With Surrey players included in our ranks, our junior netballers are making huge strides in their game development year on year.  

Our successful Holiday Camps are open to members and non members, feature guest Coaches and run regularly throughout the year.

 Our Team

The Spencer Club is managed on a day-to-day basis by a small but dynamic team who look after the Clubhouse and facilities.

The Club is governed by a Committee consisting of a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary plus a representative from each of the sporting sections so that Club decisions are taken as One Spencer for the benefit of all our members.